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Monday, June 28, 2010

Trash the Dress with Amy

June 19th 2010 What a day... Started at 9 Am with Hair and Make up. Left the house at 12pm out to find some wonderful spots to take pictures! Lets start out by showing you our Trash the Dress Photos and then we will move on to the Just to see you smile photos with the 4 girls. Long day but so much fun!

We did a variaty of shots and Amy was willing to do anything, this type of photo shoot is always fun whether you want to keep quiet or get crazy with it!~

Just to See you Smile With Diana

On June 22/2010 I had the pleasure of photographing Diana, she was a joy to work with and had natural talent of being Beautiful!

I also have the pleasure of capturing Diana's wedding, it is going to be a great time and I know we will come out with wonderful photographs.